Mar 4, 2016

Spiritual Commandos (3) – Updated Photos

In and out. Back home, we're measuring the results. Some of them may not be seen for a while, but it was an exciting time.

We offered a three-day seminar at a hotel. We came under the auspices of a Bible School, to dictate a Continuing Education course to anyone interested. The subject: "Re-examining the Apostles' Doctrine in the Light of Biblical Hermeneutics."

Biblical hermeneutics is defined as "The science and art of Biblical interpretation." It gave us the perfect opportunity to help sincere, believing individuals look afresh at the Doctrine of the Apostles –and, hopefully, see the Light.

The team:

The elevator marquee (we were in the Tokyo Room, third from top):

The view from our window: four volcanos, two of them in eruption. (One active volcano is out of the photo, to the left. The visible one on the left is dormant).

More erupting volcano views:

Getting ready...

The first night, we had eight students. Missionary (and Professor) yours truly taught on "A Review of (or introduction to) Biblical Hermeneutics."

We went over the solid principles used in the Grammatical-Historical method, which looks at both the language (because, in the Scriptures, words matter) and the historical context of the text: Scripture interprets Scripture; A text without a context is a pretext, Truth has multiple witnesses; Always ask what the writer was trying to say; Never read a meaning into the text (called eisegesis), but seek to extract the proper meaning from the text (or, exegesis); etc.

Then we broke into groups and examined some Scriptures with the Grammatical-Historical method: Deuteronomy 6:4 (what does the word echad, "one," mean? vs. the word yachid) and Exodus 6:3 (was the Name Jehovah really "not known" to the patriarchs in Genesis, or what does the Hebrew text really say? ––A good example of examining the grammar and the history of a text). Thus laying the groundwork for the second evening...

Pastor May wrapping it up for the night...

The second evening, Pastor (and Dr.) Kelly Nix taught on "Examining the Doctrine of Salvation Using the Grammatical-Historical Method." Verses examined were, among others, Matthew 28:19, John 3:3-5, and Acts 2:38.  There was much interest in the growing group of ten students...

Reviewing the previous night's lesson...

The Doctor is in...

The two breakout groups examined and were tasked with explaining Matthew 28:19 – one group, from the historical side, and the other group, from the grammatical. It was fascinating to watch them...

Bringing it home...

Pastor Julio May taught to our largest number (13) on the third evening on the subject, "The Doctrine of God in the Light of the Grammatical-Historical Method." Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is ONE!

At the end of his session, we opened it up for questions and answers. The questions could not have been better or more sincere...the answers were honest and forthright...

 The happy graduates

With the woman who was later baptized in the only saving Name: Jesus!

 The team says goodbye:

And the scheduled baptism takes place that Sunday morning in the hotel swimming pool. Glory!

Sunday evening, Pastors Julio May, Kelly Nix, and this missionary traveled 60 km. to the base of one of the volcanoes, where we had been invited to preach to a strongly non-Oneness of God congregation (SEE "The Jesus I Serve" - click here).

This missionary had the lofty privilege –and weighty responsibility– of preaching the whole Gospel Truth to around 150 souls. Subject: "The Incalculable Value of a Teachable Spirit." Examples: Apollos, Saul of Tarsus, Cornelius, and the Ephesian disciples. We didn't know until afterward that the pastor was the father of one of the seminar students...who knows what may come of it?

That's the nature of a spiritual commando mission: in, out, laying a groundwork for future efforts for God's Kingdom.

Thanks for praying.


  1. We prayed for you all throughout your trip. Believing the Lord for much more fruit to come of this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Proof once again that our God can reach beyond ALL walls and barriers. Much prayer was going up from Lighthouse Apostolic and our family for all involved. Thankful for a GOOD report! Love you all.

  4. Thanks to all! Received a report in the wee hours this morning that good things are still happening as a result of that effort. Who knows how far it will reach?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So good to see these pictures, and hear good reports. Thank you Jesus!

  7. Wonderful report my brother! The woman who received the Holy Ghost that Friday night you preached for us is originally from Guatemala and even speaks the "Mam" dialect. God is so good and wants to reveal His Name and fullness to the hungry and humble. Praying for revival in Guatemala in the name of Jesus! Take care Bro. Nix.

    1. I remember her! Thanks for your prayers - results are still happening there, from reports I'm getting.

      May God continue and multiply the harvest in Fremont!

  8. God is in the midst of all this and working...praying for You.

    1. Thank you! I haven't been able to post lately due to the start of the Bible School year and a host of other responsibilities and projects, but there are signs that the mission is going to yield more fruit. In Jesus' Name...

  9. Understandable I myself have my older son wedding, ICAT classes, Easter drama and all the other activities I am involved in church. The answer is on the way for that fruit...In Jesus Name! Thanks for the pics and sharing the info, its inspiring.

  10. Thank You..the Lord has been Good!!! I am gaining a daughter.

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