Apr 3, 2015

What is "Home?"

“The great Pioneer Missionaries all had 'inverted homesickness' –– this passion to call that country their home which was most in need of the Gospel. In this passion all other passions died; before this vision all other visions faded; this call drowned all other voices. They were the pioneers of the Kingdom, the forelopers of God, eager to cross the border-marches and discover new lands or win new-empires.”Samuel Zwemer

When one is called, it changes everything. The "homeland" no longer feels like home. Family members and friends struggle to understand this, and can often feel hurt by it. Why does the missionary, their loved one whom they have seldom or rarely seen, seem to be so anxious to "get away from" them?

The truth is, the missionary misses family and friends at least as much as they miss the missionary – but when a divine calling is on one's life, it is impossible to feel comfortable for long when away from the place where that burden must be discharged. It may be one country, it may be a combination - but the "mission field," as we call it, becomes the only earthly "home" of a missionary. There is no other place where he can feel "right." And until such a time when God may lift the burden and direct him elsewhere, it will always be so.

It may be hard to understand, but there is no callousness or selfishness in that. It is simply how God makes it possible for the work to be effectively done.

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