Apr 8, 2015


"I used to ask God to help me.  Then I asked if I might help Him.  I ended up by asking Him to do his work through me." –Hudson Taylor


  1. This has happened to me, I have struggled, thank God that the Lord has patiently waited on me to take that next step. When I finally took that next step I was determined to walk forward with the help and understanding of the Lord. True quote or post!
    Brother Nix your pic on your blog about the guinea pig for lunch is terribly scary, do they really eat it there? My coworkers enjoy your blog it starts many conversations of the Lord but they have told me they are grossed out with it(guinea pig).

  2. Yes, they do...guinea pig is a delicacy here – an expensive menu item.

    It's also a protein staple for families in the Andes. They breed them in-home, them cook and eat them.

    It's kind of like squirrel, once you get past the little feet and head... :-)

    1. I'll pass, I'll settle for a vegetarian or vegan diet! You can have my share :O
