May 11, 2015

A Great Opportunity!

This missionary was just given a missions opportunity: two short interviews by a large Christian radio station in Lima which has national coverage. We have purchased 100 radio spots this week for our city-wide crusade this weekend, and

the name of the crusade – "Who is Jesus – Really?" has sparked the interest of some at the radio station; as a result, they offered to interview us to give us a little free publicity for the event! They're going to run the interviews twice a day, all week!

Please help us pray that God would magnify my short, feeble words as He did the steps of the lepers in Samaria, and that a rout of the enemy of Truth would follow – and that many will be fed as a result.

Thanks in advance!

Our ads will be on (in the voice of yours truly) starting tomorrow (Tuesday), every half hour from 7AM-9:30 AM, and every hour from 10AM–3PM and 4AM-7AM.


You may listen live to the crusade services here. (This will be updated as the event unfolds).


  1. This is so awesome! I'll be praying for this!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Another administrative fumble...I'll get the hang of this eventually. :)

  3. Such good news to hear! Cuan grande es Dios!!! - The Tarpleys
